Monday, 18 February 2013

Nested Routes in Rails3

In this article I am going explain nested resouces in rails . I hope you all familiar with REST in rails I am not going to discuss REST nature here.Here just consider we two resouces named as Projects and Tasks , here I am assuming that every task is related to certain Project and without project there is no task. So I will do make association has_many between Projects and Tasks .it will look like following

 class Project < ActiveRecord::Base  
  attr_accessible :name  
  has_many :tasks ,:dependent => :destroy  
 class Task < ActiveRecord::Base  
  attr_accessible :name  
  belongs_to :project  

generally our routes.rb file is like the following

 resources :projects  

so lets we modify the routes as following

  resources  :projects do   
    resources :tasks  

that’s it REST will do the magic for us . so now we need to concern about how to create task by following REST full routes new_task_path wont work here , it will rise an error , so we must take care while using routes here, do not worry I will tell how to do this creating new task with using the following line

 <%= link_to 'New Task', new_project_task_path(@project) %>  

it will open form for creating new task , it will look like this and I have done small changes that to create new task I have modified target file , please observe it

 <%= form_for([@project,@task]) do |f| %>  
  <div class="field">  
   <%= f.label :project_id %><br />  
   <%= f.text_field :project_id %>  
  <div class="field">  
   <%= f.label :name %><br />  
   <%= f.text_field :name %>  
  <div class="actions">  
   <%= f.submit %>  
 <% end %>  

and the tasks controller new action and create action are look like the following

 def new  
   @project = Project.find(params[:project_id])  
   @task =  
 def create  
   @project = Project.find(params[:project_id])  
   @task =[:task])  
   respond_to do |format|  
     format.html { redirect_to project_path(@project), notice: 'task was successfully created.' }  

and we can write delete link as follows

 <%= link_to "Delete task", project_task_path(@project, @task), :confirm => "Are you sure you want to delete this task?", :method => :delete %>  
 and also you can edit task by using following path   
 <%= link_to 'Edit task', edit_project_task_path(@project,@task) %>  

I hope this will help you to give some idea nested routes with rails .I welcome your comments on this article so that i can improve further .thank you

Thanks Ratnakar V
About the Author
Ratnakar is a Software Engineer, Blogger from India.His articles mainly focus on Ruby on Rails Technology.
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